Media Release
FOCUS Accreditation Announces Four Year Accreditation for Community Living Hamilton
For Immediate Release
Date: January 30, 2014
Hamilton, ON –FOCUS Accreditation is pleased to announce that Community Living Hamilton has been successful in its bid to be accredited by FOCUS Accreditation for four years.
Community Living Hamilton is a not-for-profit organization that offers a full range of services to people with an intellectual disability.
FOCUS Accreditation looks at all aspects of how an organization provides services – from how people are supported to the effectiveness of the operations.
Many strengths were identified at Community Living Hamilton, including:
• Culture of ongoing learning and improvement
• Strong Emphasis on meeting the needs of the People Using Services
• Respected Leadership team
• Comprehensive Structures and Processes in Place
“FOCUS congratulates Community Living Hamilton on their successful accreditation. By going through the FOCUS Accreditation process, people in Hamilton can feel confident that this is an organization that aims for and provides high quality services. FOCUS looks at many components of an organization and provides objective, impartial feedback on how they can improve. Community Living Hamilton met and exceeded these rigorous standards.” states Janeen Halliwell, Executive Director of FOCUS Accreditation.
“Community Living Hamilton is dedicated to providing quality services to our clients and we are proud to have achieved this milestone from FOCUS Accreditation. Throughout this process we have been able to demonstrate our commitment to continuous improvement, learning and change,” says Sherry Parsley, Executive Director, Community Living Hamilton.
About Community Living Hamilton:
Community Living Hamilton is one of the largest not-for-profits in Hamilton; each year they provide service to approximately 1,000 children, teens, adults and families.
Community Living Hamilton promotes full inclusion through person-directed planning; promoting independence, personal choice and assisting clients to lead the lives they want.
Contact: Sherry Parsley, Executive Director
Community Living Hamilton: 905-528-0281
About FOCUS Accreditation
FOCUS is a non-profit accreditation agency for community service organizations. Created in Ontario, Canada, by the very people who use and work in these services, FOCUS reflects the culture and expectations of community service organizations in Ontario.
FOCUS accredits the whole organization, not just select programs within. The standards reflect best practice in the way services are provided as well as the effectiveness of how the organization operates. An organization that meets FOCUS’ standards can be viewed as an organization that focuses on the people it serves, and on high quality service delivery. FOCUS has accredited over 20 organizations and works with over 60 groups. A full list of accredited organizations is on our website
Contact: Janeen Halliwell, Executive Director
FOCUS Accreditation: 1-866-805-2600