Supporting Children with Special Needs
I am thrilled and honoured to share some wonderful news with you.
Community Living Hamilton has been awarded, by the City of Hamilton, a contract to provide Special Needs Resourcing Services to Licensed Child Care Providers. We will be working in child care centres to ensure that children with special needs are included and supported so that they have every opportunity for learning.
This is a wonderful opportunity for our organization to meet many more families of children who have special needs. It will allow us to introduce Community Living Hamilton to families who may not yet know about us and the services we offer. It is an opportunity to build new relationships with families and child care centres.
To give you a sense of how big this is:
· We expect that by Year 5 we’ll be serving, annually, upwards to 1000 children with special needs and their families
· We will be directly supporting and serving over 200 Licensed Child Care Providers
Over the next few months we will be recruiting, hiring, and orienting approximately 50 new staff and we look forward to welcoming them to our organization. There are a lot of skilled and experienced child care and Special Needs Resourcing professionals in our community and we’re confident we will build a qualified and expert team. As of January 1, 2017 – the start date for the new service model – we will have a strong team in place to ensure that we’re delivering quality services to children, families and Licensed Child Care Providers.
This is a terrific opportunity for Community Living Hamilton to continue to do what we do best … Helping Build Great Lives.
With thanks,
Sherry Parsley, BA, BSW, MSW
Executive Director
Community Living Hamilton